I'm not expecting anything... so when I end up with $300 or $600 or $10 million double-dollars... I'll be really surprised. I'm confused as to why I keep hearing different amounts despite the "Itz a chek fer six-hundrud oolahs!" mantra.
And then I'll go use the check to buy 13 gallons of gas and 5 pounds of lean ground beef and use the change for a Snickers Adventure Bar (the new Indiana Jones themed Snickers with the coconut). Golly gee wilikers those are good).
Hmmm, I was thinking about using my economic stimulus check to buy a rabid anti-gunner a handgun and range time.
Any takers?
Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
Economic stimulus? I misunderstood stimulus and was going to spend mine on liquor and prostitutes.
Originally Posted by Pirates, Vikings, Mongols
You're doing it right.