Tully Mars
If you're involved with someone cheating on some else what's your trust level of that person going to be?
I can answer this question for you. In order to have trust of your married lover you must be able to suspend reality, rather like reading a piece of fiction. It is easy to do as your lover will help you. However if your lover lies pathologically and about most anything at anytime to the point that he has forgotten or slips up, then there is no trust. If you continue to see him, you must do so with eyes open and realize that you are in a very adult situation that requires top form thinking. You must be able to curb or stunt your feelings in order to continue to see this lover. If you dont, you run the risk of being terribly hurt. Even if you do curb your feelings, you still wonder if it is worth it, why you are doing it, what it is about this lover, and it becomes messy within yourself. You end it a million times in your head, until he comes around with his romance and sweeps you up. You go along, and the next day you think to yourself once again about what are you doing. It is poor cyclic behavior that is an injustice to your self-worth. You are suddenly worthwhile to your lover as a lover, but not necessarily as a person. Your worth becomes tied to your body, how you busta move, and pleasing him rather than who you are or what it is that may be important to you. All along though you watch and see what is happening. You know that it isnt real, and yet he makes it real for you and in doing so it is easy to lose that top form thinking. Although you might look at it analytically and know whats going on, it can remain a very difficult, confusing situation and one that is best looked at as a game that even girldetectives have trouble with. The fire is gettin hot.