It sounds to me like yes, you're wife did flirt, and kind of brought the situation upon herself. I've been on two sides of this story.
There HAVE been cases where, a guy I knew awhile ago and hooked up with, wouldn't stop calling me and texting me, and I seriously wasn't flirting with him, at all. But he kept insisting that we get together. My boyfriend had enough and just left him a nice message saying to back the fuck off. He stopped calling.
But then again, there's other times, where I've flirted with a guy, kind of "lead him on," I suppose you could say, and my boyfriend's way of handling it was to call him up, and tell him again, what's up. Was it all his fault? No. Do I talk to him anymore though? Nope. So I guess it worked?
Why do we go and flirt even though we have a secure relationship at home? Because every woman wants to feel sexy, and desirable. Once in a serious relationship, you sometimes take for granted how your significant other feels. It's not that my boyfriend never tells me he thinks I'm sexiest woman alive, because he does this everyday, many times a day. But, it's a security blanket, and you're used to it.
Last edited by Jenna; 05-20-2008 at 05:23 AM..