Originally Posted by Tully Mars
.... I'm always amazed then people who cheat on their SO's get together. It always seems to be just a matter of time before I end up hearing "Oh god! (he/she) is cheating on me!" Well duh, wasn't she/he cheating on their ex when you got together?
It doesn't seem to happen to the sharper ones, Tully.... but that doesn't make the ones who avoid that pitfall, more sincere..... their lack of sincerity ends up being a "saving" grace.
......''People in the United States almost universally think adultery is wrong even while they are doing it,'' said John Gagnon, a professor of sociology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and one of the authors of the Chicago study.
But the same data also suggest a different skein. The Chicago ratios applied to today's population mean that some 19 million American men and 12 million American women have entwined at least once outside the marriage bed. ''That's a helluva lot of people being unfaithful,'' said Todd K. Shackelford, an assistant professor of psychology at Florida Atlantic University.
What is more, many social scientists think the Chicago percentages are low. ''Can we really expect people to be honest about such a critical, life-changing event?'' Mr. Shackelford asked. And his clinical colleagues agree. <h3>''We have to realize that if someone is going to lie to their husband or wife, they sure as hell are going to lie to a poll taker,''</h3> said Frank Pittman, a psychiatrist in Atlanta who writes widely on adultery. ''You're asking them to expose the worst thing they ever did.''....