I have short hair too, and like you, before this it was very long - past my shoulder blades.
I didn't realize this at the time, but my hair was limiting me. I have very thick but fine hair, so it's prone to frizzing and it took FOREVER to do in the morning if I wanted it to look the way that I liked it to look. Who knows how many potentially productive hours I spent messing around with my hair. There were also certain activities I avoided at certain times, because I knew if I planned to look presentable after that, it would be another long session of dealing with my hair after that.
And honestly, I never even really liked it. I'd just always had it long, so I always kept it long. Even as a teen I wanted short hair and my over-controlling mother would never let me try it, so long it was.
I think that once your hair grows out a bit and you get used to short hair you're going to really like it. It takes a lot less time to do, you can try different styles and if you don't like one, it grows out in no time, and you might just notice a spike in your self confidence if you learn to rely on YOU rather than hair to interact with people.