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Old 05-11-2008, 06:43 AM   #12 (permalink)
Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
yes to all the above. time to stand on even platforms and from there decide in which direction to take the relationship. let us know how it unfolds
Well our 2 year relationship ended almost 2 weeks ago now. And actually because of other reasons. I know she still wants to get back together, and part of me did too up until we spoke Friday night (she's either called or messaged me everyday, and nearly everytime only made things worse..). But with what happend, what has happend since, and even just looking at this thread again, I suppose it's all for the best really.
To make things interesting, I bought tickets (ages ago) to an event in a few weeks, and she still wanted to go with me - I don't hold a grudge, so I said yes (I hope things are cooled down by then and doesn't complicate the siutation).... AND we're gonna be on same flights to and from overseas in a few months.. she still wanted to do the whole trip together, but to that I told her no. that's just crazy.

and here's another dillemma i'm in. I'm going overseas (start of july, for 2 months). Went by to the travel agent yesterday, and there was this new girl there. Really cute. She's travelled the same places that I'm going to - so I was gonna go back next weekend to ask her about places she recommends etc, and I also had some other tickets to ask about while I'm there too. And well, I'm sure she'll have LOTS to talk about her trip, and I am interested in hearing it all, so if she does have body language that shows she might be interested, I'll tell her I'd love to hear more, can I have her number kinda thing. Great. Only thing is, like I said, I'm going overseas. That's in less than 2 months. I don't want her to get the idea that I'm just looking for someone to fill in some time with and that I'm some kind of sleaze (she doesn't know me at all, and vice versa, so first impressions do count!), and so I'll lose her with that. So it actually sounds like a bad idea to me, because I am genuinely interested in her. (Dispite the recent break up..).
The three options I see are.
1) Just get her number and ask her out. Got the good excuse of wanting hear about her trip to help me out - hell it's interesting too!
2) Ask for her number, to call her when I get back. That's like .. nearly 4 months away. Sounds a bit stupid to me. But if I do (and i will) hold onto her number long enough, then surely that's genuine enough.
3) Ask her when I get back. But I lose the excuse. And I'd feel like a bit of a tool "hi i just got back from overseas, can i have your number?". and if I wanted it all this time, why didn't I ask before?
4) she'll just say no or is taken, so I don't even need to worry. haha

I do also have to see what happens with me and my ex over the next week. But after this week, I'm not looking back because it's getting me crazy.

Last edited by internetsam; 05-11-2008 at 07:32 AM..
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