I used to collect old medical books ... my favorite is a late 1800's "gynecology" textbook--whew--the things they did back then. Ladies, if you think a modern speculum is bad just imagine the fricken' shoe horns they used in the 1880s.
I have an old "medical" "textbook" written from a Catholic point-of-view from the early 20th century. I don't have the title right now since it's in storage and I'm at work.
Anyway, from the writer of the book's (a Catholic doctor) point-of-view ANY miscarriage is called an abortion; and it's always the mother's fault. No matter what. So this webpage (as detestable as it is) fits right in.
For more "fun" reading I like the chapter on "monsters" (aka, children with birth defects) and how it's ALWAYS the mother's fault.
Last edited by vanblah; 05-09-2008 at 08:23 AM..