Originally posted by james t kirk
Dragon, you are decidedly pro-Isreal in all your posting. Are you jewish by any chance?
I couldn't give a rat's ass if the arabs and jews go on killing each other for the next 2000 years because that is all either of them seem to want to do.
They can both go fuck themselves.
Heh, yes, I'm Jewish. That has an influence on my judgment, but it's not that big an influence. My brother (obviously also Jewish) is pretty anti-Israeli, and there are plenty of Jews out there that don't like the current Israeli government or it's actions.
I try to take a more open-minded approach, looking at both sides of the equation. I see that both sides do bad things, but think the Palestinians are the main culprits. Even then, the Palestinians are simply tools in the hands of Arab governments in the area.
And no, *the* Arabs and Jews don't want to kill each other, it's the extremists that want to do it. There just happen to be more Arab (Muslim) extremists because of the dictatorships there, and the accompanying anti-Israeli propaganda. For example, Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is a bestseller in Egypt, and the fake "Elders of Zion" book is generally believed to be true in the region. I have yet to see the Israelis distributing such filth about Arabs.