#3, no... and #4, like you, no...
I would definitely see boasting and bragging as objectifying as well.
I know that half the reason some guys get with women is to tell their buddies, but for me I always wanted to so I would feel loved by someone, even if I know that she doesn't love me. Well, it didn't work that way. I still feel quite cold and lonely. One night lasts... for one night.
Best to make sure that you don't come away from that "one night" with something painful that will last "for many nights," and so this point goes back to #3 and the compromise.
Originally Posted by 868686
I meant unhealthy cos I'm not doing it. Mind my age, I would like to break down my issues and deal with my sex.
I agree with you on that one. It's certainly not healthy, at least mentally, to build up a lust for something you don't have easy access to. Guys like myself, who have no social skills, make a mature decision to keep from "fueling the fire." In fact, if I accidentally see something arousing it agonizes me. I try to forget it by shooting myself with my spring gun (I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS AT ALL). A shy guy with no social skills, like me, will be even more awkward in public if he feels guilty about something.