comparing a pitbull to a gun was to just give an example of a very dangerous tool to be used in defense or offense.
as I said earlier, maybe people should have to get licenses to own such power houses. all animal enthusiast that I know would be willing to do such. as far as puting them down in mass... that's just a way to justify laziness and slaughter. it should not be permitted.
and the 'white trash' aspect fails to deliver any reality to me.
as a status symbol, i agree full heartedly. a lot of idiots have dogs (especially pts, rots and mastiffs) as a 'status symbol'. basically a way to say "Hey. I'm one of those all muscled, no brain badassess who love to show off my extreeme lack of intelligence!!!".
it is an incredably sad thing. I think people should get licensed to own large snakes and monitors also (monitor to the unknown is a species of l izard similiar to the Komodo Dragon - just many times smaller) should require a license. I think if most people just want a 'awesome beast' to show off, giving them some required effort may make them think of some other way...
i'm just trying to say this: the dogs did indeed do the crime... but they were made that way. they were doing 'their job' (a phrase people use when they do something incredibly moronic and need an excuse to get off clean). the dogs are victems, also..... it sucks.
lets start puting the owners down, too. that may discourage people some.