1) I dunno if you ever saw the episode of Friends where Ross had the same problem? In each case: fall asleep the way you fall asleep. An arm draped across her should suffice, you're still supposed to recuperate while sleeping, that's what it's for. Stop worrying so much.
2) You were both somewhat off of it, and you both seem to have enjoyed it. Doesn't seem to me like you did. Even so, if you find yourself asking this question, then next time you probably should think twice before doing it. Too late to do anything about it now, and she doesn't seem to mind. Stop worrying so much.
3) One, mild anxiety/drinks/stoned/first time/... and you are surprised it wasn't all that great? keep at it, and lose half the intoxicants and you'll do just fine
And stop practicing fucking a hole in the wall.
4) See, this is not about a trophy girl. It's about a trophy act *with* a girl. As far as I know it's about the "alright, I scored" more than who it was with. (which seems somewhat shallow, but doesn't hold a tone of objectification for me). Stop worrying so much.