I guess I'm of a different mind set when it comes to porn. I understand that many people men and women look at porn. I think it has a time and place to serve its purpose. Single people, people who are separated from their significant other for a length of time and other such situations.
My fiance lives in the next apartment building over (we live in campus apartments so no co-ed) I had just left his apartment went back to mine thought he was going to be heading over shortly since he was just straightening up and instead hes looking at porn. I'm a few yards away. I don't know the porn battle has been raging for years he knows it bothers me but can't give it up.
I don't know I guess maybe I should just get over it.
Thanks for the words of wisdom. They mean alot.
Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn-Singing in the Distance and dons the Galoshes of Remorse. ~Edward Gorey