I agree with onesnowyowl: As a social worker I believe there is no greater gift you can give a child than to accept the responsibility as their primary care giver. But it isn't something you want to go into lightly. Think of a foster parenting as a PARENT, do everything for that child you would have done for your own. Teacher conferences, after school sports, bake sales....if you did those things with your own, do them for a foster child. There are soooooo many children in need of good homes, and many have been shuffled from foster home to foster home. Giving them a home with a promise that this is long-term allows them the ability to break down barriers and work on long term goals that promote positive life styles and you can be part of that!! It won't be easy, foster kids come with baggage, trust issues, abusive pasts, they will question your authenticity but in the end I think you will find it worth it. Just be sure your ready.
* I do not believe that struggles are a sign of life falling apart, but rather a step of life falling into place. *