Originally Posted by Xerxys
Gosh Dammit Smoore!!!!!!! I'm fighting with this kind of mentality and lately its begun to work so now, do the same!! Get some perspective, anything you do will end just how you wanted or thought it would end, positive thinking is not a therapy, it's an approach system that can be used to channel all the right energies at the right time. Start thinking positively!!
It's alright, the world needs ditch diggers too. I'm thinking that I'll get out of construction and go back to the silicon mines. I'm an adept Linux administrator and it pays slightly better than the hourly wage I'm getting installing floors. I'd just stick with what I have but tenant finish (what my company specializes in, remodeling existing offices) is taking a dive because the contractors who specialize in new construction are under bidding companies like mine to keep their guys working. I've had more than four weeks down time already this year. It's a cut-throat business which is why I failed at it on my own. I couldn't compete with the price point set by the hacks in my trade.