I see myself as an intelligent, moderately attractive and reasonably awesome person.
I can be very good at talking to people about emotional issues, although I do struggle sometimes. I sometimes find myself unable to engage, which makes people think that I am resigned.
I think people tend to see me as an "unknown" as I am friendly with all of the different groups at college, instead of just one (although I am mainly in one group). This leads to people distancing themselves sometimes, and not always having a proper friendship, outside of my friends group.
I am generally well regarded, and have been told that I do not seem to care what people think of me, what they say, and am happy to take the piss out of myself, but just try to be happy and make the best of situations.
While this is true to an extent, although sometimes things that are said tend to hang over me.
I am hopeless with girls(although sometimes bat above my league somehow, sometimes even accidentally) and have a few insecurities, which are completely opposite of what I would expect of myself, although I just ignore them for the most part. I also have chronic "falling in love with a girl so much that I can't ask them out and then become their best friend by mistake and get so upset over it that I end up casting them away" disorder; it's happened a number of times..
I am very loyal to my friends, which I hope they all realise. I try to be there for them, even if they aren't always for me, as with my friends I very much follow the "treat others the way you wish others would treat you" motto - a good one I feel.
I am generally well liked, as I am a bit different, and casual, compared to some of my friends.
I may not be the best looking, funniest, most clever or best with girls. However, I accept that and enjoy myself as best as I can, which I think people are able to appreciate, and that is why they like me.
Last edited by PlanG; 04-30-2008 at 12:40 PM..