I will answer this with a on the surface seemingly unrelated anecdote.
My wife and I are slobs. Our house is often an embarrassment we wouldn't want people to be over in. Its not that we can't keep it clean, we have in the past but that was due to an external motivation. Left to our own devices we don't care much.
I accept this. At some point it reaches a level where I just clean it up. For me cleaning involves a lot of throwing stuff away and putting things in boxes. Its crude yet effective.
My wife on the other hand wants to be organized. She doesn't want to put that pile in a box but go through it all first, so she knows where everything is and that its all packed away with maximum efficiency. The problem is she is messy like me and quickly loses interest in the task, end result is nothing gets done.
She feels guilty shes not more like her parents who are very organized people, well the other day we had a bit of a talk about it.
What we decided was rather than fight our natures embrace it. Not embrace the messy side of it, there are very good reasons not to be messy, but to embrace the lack of organization and accept we are not even remotely anal when it comes to the day to day stuff. Its better to have all the placemats in a drawer than on the counter waiting to be sorted.
Her guilt over not being better about it, made this difficult but this has been going on for years, she finally admitted she is what she is and to work with her nature to its advantage rather than fight it. It was an epiphany of sorts.
Its important to understand your nature, but in the context of working with it. I enjoy movies where things explode and chicks show their tits. Not at the same time mind you, and the more plot twists the better, if I can guess whats coming next, its a boring movie. Its my nature. My wife likes chick flicks and reads romance novels. They are no more realistic than my titty explosion movies, but its her nature, she likes those.
I don't feel guilty over liking titty explosion movies, there is nothing wrong with liking that bit of fiction. It doesn't cause me to go out and rape cheerleaders while blowing up their parents homes.
I only feel guilty over wrongs I have done to people in deed, and those are few and far between. Some were completely unintentional but they still make me feel guilty because I DID it, I don't worry about thought crimes.
Worry about what you do to people, not if you should be liking a movie.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host
Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.