Originally Posted by Ustwo
Pain in sex I'd argue was due to something else beyond a normal imprinting. Pain is something we as a whole try to avoid, thats sort of the definition of something that hurts, its why it hurts, its good to avoid it.
For some people I think there is a bit of a blur there so that some pleasure can come out of the pain itself or maybe it just makes the pleasure more intense.
I don't really 'get' it but I would think its not the same kind of thing that would cause a foot fetish or the like.
There's two reasons I've heard of that cause pain fetishes.
The first one is something that also happens with self-inflicted pain, which is that the person begins to enjoy the body's hormones that are released in response to pain (adrenaline, etc.). They can even become sort of addicted to them, the way athletes become "addicted" to the endorphin rush. It can also give them a feeling of power over their own bodies by being able to stand it; hence an association between marginalized and disenfranchised people, esp. teens, and "cutting".
The second is that fears can become internalized and then sexualized as a way of "owning" and thus reconciling with the fear. This is usually involved in rape, kidnapping, and abuse fetishes; they can involve elaborate situations to play on specific fears that the people involved are dealing with.
I know there's a lot more to it than this, especially in the complexities of S&M relationships, but that's my little piece of knowlege out there for y'all.