Originally Posted by Ustwo
I have a fetish for naked women.
My thought, and its completely unbackedup by any scientific works I'm aware of, is that a fetish is more like sexual imprinting. At a key time in your life, or perhaps by constant association, something gets imprinted into your sexual thought processes.
There would be a genetic component involved but only in the susceptibility. I would not be surprised if some families show more sexual fetishism but I'd be surprised if they all had the same fetishes (though some sharing would be understandable, if Jr. found daddies foot fetish magazines he too might develop a foot fetish.)
That makes sense to me too. Though, I'd argue against people who say I have a fetish for pain because I was beaten as a child. That just doesn't make sense to me, mostly because I wasn't. As I understand it, that's not really what you're saying but the whole childhood thing is something I've heard a lot.
I've always found it curious that some people have much different preferences and what little background I have in Psychology has yet to fully explain it.
That said, I don't think that you if you have a fetish you have to have it every time you're participating in sexual activities.