Originally Posted by Ustwo
We really need more scientists and doctors in congress, who know how to read a scientific paper, that a study can be grossly flawed, and does not really prove the most sensational possible conclusion touted by the press. Instead we get lawyers.
We need more doctors in Congress like the good Senator Tom Coburn, M.D.(R-OK)?
“Pre-marital sex is dangerous, even deadly..."
"The gay...agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom we face today. Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? Thats a gay agenda"
Doctors dont sensationalize?
He should really leave such sensationalism to his chief of staff, Michael Schwartz:
"...the abortion providers are the main proponents of sex ed because they want more kids having sex, getting pregnant and contracting STD’s, so that they can perform more abortions, treat more VD and make more money"
Ustwo...is there any independent study you have seen that concludes that abstinence only education is more effective (or even as`equally effective) than a more comprehensive sex education program...or that justifies the expenditure of more than $1/2 billion by the Bush administration in the last 7 years.