Whatever you call it, no matter which country it's happening in... women (and some men) selling their bodies are either forced into the situation due to circumstance or women who are mentally unhealthy... Granted, I am sure there are the few women who do it and enjoy their work, but I truly think that is in the minority.
either way, I would get them into social services and get them the help they need, not have sex with them.
I see using escorts or whatever one likes to call individuals in that job description as taking advantage of women (and some men) who are in a very dark place in their life... I wouldn't feel good about myself if I used their services, that's my personal feeling.
I would rather have sex in a relationship with my gf, who cares about me, than a stranger... any day.
as to the couseling comment, I just think you haven't thought these things through maybe...
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