Originally Posted by Martian
I'm contradicting this. Do not tell her that you still want to be friends with her. Do like Tully Mars said. Leaving any ambiguity in this is just going to make it harder.
Maybe you can be friends. I hear tell of exes being friend, although it's never worked that way for me. If it's going to happen, though, you're going to both need some time apart to adjust to not being together first.
You cannot and should not ever put someone else's welfare above your own. That sounds selfish, but it's the simple truth. Staying in a relationship with her 'for her sake' is doing her a disservice. If you really feel that it's time to move on, it'll be better for both of you if you don't drag things out.
Don't feel that you're responsible for her well-being. I truly hope that she comes out of this a stronger person, but if she doesn't that's not your fault. She was broken when you found her, and you can't fix her. It's up to her to do that for herself. She needs to be able to stand on her own without you or anyone else. The fancy psych term for the type of relationship where one person is unable to function without the other is codependency, and it's a very bad situation for all parties.
Staying in the relationship and thinking that you're doing it for her is the coward's way. Having the courage to stand up and say 'this isn't working and I'd rather give you the opportunity to find happiness for yourself' is harder, but the better solution.
Music for the mood.
Very well said. Similar situation for me recently and what you said just applies for me pretty much.
Originally Posted by Giant Hamburger
The reasons do not matter to us.
You have concluded that it will not work.
That conclusion is now like a virus destroying your relationship from within.
It's the...
You know what must be done...
Just do it and get it over with.
Also very well said.