There is a difference between "street walkers" and "escorts". Usually, that's the money you're going to spend, but not always, especially if you're dealing with an "escort service". If you paid attention to any of the Spitzer stuff, you might have caught on.
"Street walkers" are prostitutes, pure and simple. They are going to blow you, fuck you, whatever. They are going to try to part you from your money as quickly as possible and get back out on the street to get the next guy. They are in the volume business, and generally speaking they are severely damaged human beings at the bottom of society living miserable lives. Sex of any kind with them is dangerous from a health and a safety standpoint. A guy like you would not last long in that world. You need to stay away.
"Escorts" are a little different and generally are not in the volume business. They charge much higher rates ($50 per visit vs. minimum of $200) and do not see as many clients/customers/johns. Many of these align themselves with "escort services" since they work infrequently and find it easier to let someone else make the booking. That said, just because you order up a girl from an escort service does not mean that you're getting laid. As we saw in the Spitzer revalations, escorts will refuse clients. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. So if you call a $500 call girl/escort, don't expect that she's going to jump your bones. If she doesn't like you or thinks that you're smelly or too fat or whatever, she may spend the hour with you and split. And that's perfectly legal. If that's what you meant by "loophole", don't think that it doesn't work both ways. From a safety standpoint, dealing with an escort is much better than a street walker since she's much less likely to be aggressively violent or mentally ill, but from a health standpoint, you are still running huge risks.
The FBI got involved with Spitzer for very specific reasons, none of which would pertain to you. Vice cops do arrest street walkers fairly often because they're a blight on a community, but they don't usually mess too much with escorts (either independents or services) because it's an invisible crime (in that you could live next door to either and never know what's going on).
Kpax, this is all meant as education. The sex industry exists and services folks from all walks of life, from migrant workers paying $25/pop up to guys like Spitzer that paid over $1000/hour. Street walkers are almost always drug addicts at the bottom of their disease, and few have the education or means to access the internet, let alone create their own website.
And here in Chicago a few months ago, a massage parlor got busted for prostitution (what a friend of mine refers to as a "wax and wash joint"), and the police discovered that the prostitutes were filming themselves with their clients without the clients' knowledge and posting it on the internet.
To summarize - you can get injured or killed by a street walker. You can also get lots of diseases. An escort won't necessarily fuck you and you can also get lots of diseases. And it could all go on the internet.
Friend, go find some normal women somewhere that's not your church or your job. I'm sure they're out there. Make friends with them and promise yourself you'll never fantasize about them so that you can start to form some normal female relationships. Please. We're all rooting for you, but this is just getting ridiculous.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo