Originally posted by Podmore
Second issue, the porn: It's been pretty well established that women are, in general, more aroused by situation stuff and written erotica than by images. Have you ever noticed how many romance novels are consumed by female readers? Those things are written specifically to appeal to the things women are looking for in a love/sex relationship. Consider it porn for women. Men don't generally have much use for it. They want pictures. So they acquire it in huge amounts. Even gay men (there really are lots of pictures of naked guys on the internet, but the majority of it is targeted to men.
100% agree there
As for women and self assteem, its a mistrey to me as a male. i have some understanding but i wont embarass my self by posting my thoughs here
Men Are From Mars Women are From Venus is a good read though.. and i speak for me self but its provided me with an insight into the female mind and has help me better understand my own