There are alot of really good arguments here. I would have to say that from my experience (not trying to be cynical) most of the women I know that say the proverbial "Im fat" or comments such as these, when they have mirrors and can see that they aren't fat are generally just trying to get complemented. She knows she's beautiful, smart, etc. but she is trying to get a guy to tell her. I agree with the earlier post about manipulation. Some wome really do have self-esteem issues, but I think men have the most self-esteem issues. They just try to hide it for fear that someone will think they are weak.
As far as the porn argument, I think alot of those women have really good self-esteem. They are beautiful, and they realize it, so they use to make money. I don't think they think any lesser of themselves for what they do. Sex is the oldest business, and they use it to get ahead in life. Oh, and the fact that alot of them really, really like sex explains it a little further.