Absolutely he needs to go away. I think he belongs on serious medication. Looking at him and listening to how he talks reminds me of someone thats getting Alzheimers or similiar.
While I know that a majority of the Palestinians are Muslims I think there level of religious zealous practice stems from different reasons than any other part of the region, because they're in a different siutation than any other part of the region; even Lebanon.
Something Im unclear on; did the elections happen or not. The last I remember curfews and checkpoint closures were imposed making the election process difficult if not negated. Hence if they did eventually they voted for Arafat again? They have to know that he's not helping the situation.
Through all the talk and negotiations, Sharon, Arafat, extremes on both sides; it boils down to truly one element IMO:
Making the Israeli settlements get off the Gaza Strip and West Bank. The current direction is going to come to an inevitable collision because both multiply. The Palestinians are already stacked on one another making their already small living area the most densly populated place on Earth.
President Bush has designed the settlements to be removed well see what happens. Arafat needs to shut up. If Sharon continues to refuse there is going to be a situation that continues to get worse.
KillerYoda, you have plenty trust me.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking