I don't give a damn if you are predisposed to want to commit crimes-sex crimes or otherwise-at some point, you, as a human being, make a choice. And that, if anything, is human nature: The simple but profound ability to choose your own actions. I have thought a good many despicable thoughts in my life and sure, maybe I'm genetically engineered or somehow society played its part to make me think or want these things, but there comes a point when you decide to do something or not.
I completely agree that society and genetics can play a large role in people's behavior, but I think perhaps that we have forgotten that to be human, you make choices every moment of your life. This woman made a horrible choice, just as the man who raped her did. Yeah, maybe somewhere in the woman's past something instilled in her a foolish sense of trust in humanity, and perhaps the man's genetics urged him to commit this crime.
Choice. It sucks to be human, huh?