Originally Posted by match000
then there are those who use the tool (facebook) to the max; posting everywhere and uploading billions of pics, updating statuses every few hours, etc..
That's 100% THEIR problem, not yours. You are responsible for your profile and participation on Facebook, regardless of who your potential audience may be.
For example, I have a few of my old high school students added as friends now (they are all frat/sorority students in college now, with all the pics and Wall posts to exhibit that glorious fact), and of course they have all left that information open to me, because they don't think about it. When I added them, I made sure that they were on my limited profile, and I plan to keep it that way. If people's feelings get hurt, that's their problem. It's my privacy, and they have no expectation to "see" my whole life. No one does.
Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
Here's a solution: Don't care so much about your exes. Delete them and move on. They're your exes for a reason, they can't expect to continue to influence your life. They don't like that your status is now "banging that one chick from biology?" Fuck 'em! 
Yeah, no kidding man. One of my exes (from like... 5 years ago!) has blocked me the whole time I've been on FB, and it cracks me up every time I'm reminded of it. I just can't believe he even bothers, after this long. I've been together with ktspktsp and married for a while now, so it's not like my relationship status is going anywhere fast... but even if I were still dating and getting together/breaking up with other people, I either wouldn't put that info on FB in the first place; or I would, and then I wouldn't give a shit about people seeing it. You can't do both.