Originally Posted by match000
Nah, that stops it from publishing it on the newsfeed. But you can still click on the "Friends" tab and on "Recently updated profiles" tab, your friends/contacts will all see that you have recently changed your profile, and the exact thing you have changed.
Yup, I've done this. Again, this is hard to do without hurting feelings. If you limit too much of the profile, they know they are limited. Also, they can also login from their friends facebook and look at your profile to see if there is a difference.
So you'd have to "cast a net" on all your ex'es friends, so to speak, to really prevent them from seeing your profile. And what if you have mutual friends? Would you have to limit your mutual friends too? Clearly, this is not feasible.
Its really quite hard to do it perfectly.
Here's a solution: Don't care so much about your exes. Delete them and move on. They're your exes for a reason, they can't expect to continue to influence your life. They don't like that your status is now "banging that one chick from biology?" Fuck 'em!