Originally Posted by silent_jay
The protesters were arrested for breaking the law, does the government not have the right to arrest them then?
Exactly what law did they break?
The right to protest?
Last time I checked, we live in a democracy and that right is guaranteed in the Charter. The most the anti-seal protesters were going to do was video tape the slaughter. Why does the government feel the need to prevent such footage from getting out? Answer, because it would disgust any normal human being.
No, they were arrested for political reasons.
Loyola Hearn (Fisheries Minister in Harper's Gov't) is from NFLD. For one outdated reason or another, a lot of Newfoundlanders hold the seal hunt near and dear to their hearts. Hearn is simply pandering to his electorate, calling the protestors "gutless" and "money sucking manipulators" The conservative government in Ottawa is hoping to pick up votes in NFLD.
Also, the Coast Guard recently screwed up royally towing in a broken down sealing boat resulting in the deaths of 4 sealers. The public on the east coast was asking a lot of questions. Nice manouvre to deflect criticism of the coast guard (also under Hearn's jurisdiction).
They called in the RCMP tactical squad to arrest a bunch of volenteers who feel strongly about protecting animals.