Originally posted by duckznutz
Patriarchal society? In my experience it is women who control everything one way or another....
..... an 18 year old babe can wrap a 50 year old captain of industry around her little finger.
Only if she plays the "sex kitten card"... and only because she probably wouldn't be given the time of day or respected as a woman with equally valid opinions or viewpoints otherwise.
Women have learned to adapt... and "use their assets" because time has proven, in this yes, PATRIARCHAL society, that that is the only sure way of gaining "control"... though the idea of power in that regard is an oxymoron because in using sex in that way... women are objectified and not truly seen as the person they are hoping to gain recognition for.
What of the 18 year old NON-babe? What are her options? By american societies standards today... she doesn't have many.