Originally Posted by dc_dux
I dont particularly care what you call it.
As long as it: * reflects the will of the majority while protecting the rights of the minority
*guarantees certain rights and freedoms to all citizens, mostly notably the right to vote, freedom of speech and a free press
* includes an indepedent judiciary and the rule of law
* ensures civilian control of the military The rest may be reflected in the culture and history of a particular nation or people.
I could agree with that, but of course I'd probably add a few. That's the basis of a free society though. Most failed democracies seem to be a larger group of people oppressing the smaller group or minorities in their regions. It's pretty hard to make that scenario work.
I think the key is respecting the minority whether the minority difference is political persuasion, religion, race, or whatever. If they aren't treated as individuals instead of a group it's all over from the start. Everyone has to have the same basic rights and freedoms that are inalieanable.