Originally Posted by Shauk
i remember old cell phones getting rather hot physically. I wonder if the test was staged with those ultra hot batteries up against the egg. I had one nokia back in the day like 8 years ago that would cook my frakkin(BSGLOL) hand if I talked on it for more than half an hour. Literally unpleasant to touch.
I probably had the same model, only mine would heat up my ear, hand and side I was using it on. Didn't take long either.... 5 minutes and wham. Hell it would even irritate my leg through my pants pocket.
I don't use my cellphone that much, although I did just get a very cool new one with a blue tooth.... but I still won't use it much except to call Lady Sage or others in my family or work for a short period of time.
Let me put it this way I have a 450 minute monthly plan, I don't even touch that in 6 months and that includes free minutes.
So I'm not too worried.
But people who live on it.... they may have serious side effects.
Course the conspiracist in me believes that the government and Illuminati are using cell phones along with many other items of leisure and privilege to control population. Get people addicted to these items so that some weird disease comes out 40-50 years later and kills millions of people.
After all this is a new technology.... how do you know long term effects until it has been around for a long term test?
You just don't. But they have he money and scientists that could run the serious tests needed.