there are non press-pool analyses of basra that indicate that the central government has never had any control over it, that it has been chaos for quite some time, split amongst a variety of militia groups and that maliki fucked up in trying to precipitate a military action against these groups, found out that it was more than the iraqi/american forces counted on or could deal with, got bogged down almost immediately and are having their asses bailed out by the offer of a cease fire for al-sadr.
or you can watch the press pool releases and believe all kinds of arbitrary stuff about an imaginary conflict in which things are going swimmingly.
it's really just a matter of information streams.
fact is that iraq is as it has been--a fiasco of proportions that make you wonder about some divine agency that forces leaders who wage wars on illegitmate grounds to pay and pay and pay for that--not with their own blood of course--that'd be too easy.
i wonder if george w bush sleeps well.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite