I won a pocket knife at the local fair in third grade. I thought it would be a good idea to bring it to school for show and tell. Me and my brother reasoned that if you didn't open it up, it wasn't really a knife so it's ok!! So I got up in front of the class proudly displaying my 3" pocket knife I won at the fair and the teacher went apeshit. I think my brother brought his knife that he won also to school the same day (we're twins) so we both got in trouble. Thankfully back in the early 1990s the weapons paranoia wasn't a big deal so all that happened was the knife went home with us in a little paper bag that the school bus driver gave to our parents when we got off the bus.
Even 15 years later that still remains one of the most embarassing moments of my life (being called out in front of the class about bringing a weapon to school).