Originally Posted by savmesom11
...I was having a bad day that still is no excuse, again I am sorry.
Apology accepted.
Originally Posted by savmesom11
I have been told that delicate care must be taken to ensure you are properly clean and therefor not prone to infection but maybe this is a myth? I know that circumcision is really becoming an alternative procedure as health insurance programs are no longer automatically paying for it unless it is for religious reasons.
Washing instructions: retract, lather, rinse, recover (not repeat
As for insurance coverage, only one province in Canada still includes non-therapeutic circumcisions in its universal health care plan. And even if you decide to pay for it yourself, you still have to find a doctor who'll do it, or a religion that supports it. Therapeutic circumcisions are still covered nationwide since they definitely have a useful purpose for individuals whose foreskin start causing severe problems later in life.