Originally Posted by Shauk
I have been to Pike Place Market several times but what exactly am I shopping for there? Same with Chinatown. Like I said in the O.P. I'm all set on finding food if I'm ever hungry but where the hell do I buy like... a computer desk? A bed? A tape measure? (ok so the answer is really just craigslist, but still, wtf?)
so frustrating sometimes, I seriously don't want to drive, nor do I really even have room in my car to put a computer desk or bed anyway.
my floor is getting old really fast though.
Erm, even if you could buy a bed or a desk on the next block over, how the heck would you get it home without a car?... unless it's an inflatable bed, lol. I guess I don't quite understand how close you expect to find stores.
Yes, you are OCCASIONALLY going to have to drive somewhere to buy some things... is that so strange? I think everyone has to do that, no matter how central their location is. You'd basically have to live in the middle of Northgate Mall (like, IN the mall) in order to be able to walk and find EVERYTHING you could possibly want, at any time... no one lives that close to every single store.
Again, have you tried any of the stores on Capital Hill? U-District (e.g. the U-Village)? Have you been to Fred Meyer in Ballard? It's really not that far away... maybe 10-15 mins in the car (assuming the bridge is down and not too much traffic, in the evenings), drive out along Elliot Ave and you'll be there in no time. Sometimes it sounds like you haven't gotten to know your city well enough yet...