Originally Posted by powerclown
Dunno, it could backfire and take Hilary to the nomination, where I think she has a better chance against Mccain than Obama does. You know she (and Bill) has had the heavy guns hidden thus far, and Obama may be too nice a guy to prevail in a knifefight with McCain.
You may be right, though I think up until recently the republicans have been focused on Hilary, and 'Stop Hilary' as a theme. I think thats the fight they are ready for, even if its harder on paper.
I don't think Obama will fail because of being a 'nice guy' he seems to be a classic politician to me, and if being nice works, be nice, if being mean works, be mean just make sure you have plausible deniability you authorized the meanness. For example I'd be surprised if every democrat talker doesn't bring up McCains age incessantly, even if Obama doesn't do it himself.