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Old 03-27-2008, 04:06 AM   #1 (permalink)
Without Wings
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Location: Australia
evicting someone from a sharehouse - advice?

  1. There are three of us living in an apartment - myself, Ms A & Mr C
  2. Ms A purchased the place - and is leasing rooms to me and Mr C
  3. Me & Ms A get along really well, and find it no difficulty to live with one another. we just really 'click' and it makes living here very enjoyable.
  4. No - Ms A & I are just good friends - neither of us see each other in any other way than that.
  5. Mr C is too used to living by himself - he just doesnt 'fit' into the sharehouse as such. We're all early 20s and moved here from out of town, so me & Ms C try and get amongst it to have as much fun and meet new people. He's not one to go out and get amongst it at all - he just doesnt maintain a social life with either of us, which is fine if that is what he wishes to do - but it's not what we're after in the house, we want someone who will get into it.
  6. A good friend of mine from HS and a great friend of Ms A from uni is dead keen for Mr C's room after we mentioned that if someone was interested in the room, we'd see about evicting him. We both know what she is like, and exactly what we're after in terms of a 3rd housemate
  7. Paying up of his share of expenses/rent has never been an issue
  8. Rent is an verbal arrangement - no formal leases or anything
  9. This arrangement has been in place since July last year.
  10. He is happily ignorant that he doesnt mix with the rest of the house, and as such this will come as a massive shock to him.

so after discussions with the potential new housemate tonight, both me & Ms A are facing the issue of having to breaking the news to Mr C that he's got to go.

There is going to be no easy way to do it - I know that. What I'm hopeful for from the wise folk here is if you have been in this experience, either giving notice or receiving marching orders yourself... things like:

Honesty I think here is going to be the best way to go about it in terms of telling him why its come about. Ms A will have to lead the conversation as she owns the place, but I feel its appropriate that I be there and contribute as I am part of the household. Yes/No? Should we mention that he's being replaced straight up because we've been thinking about this for some time, but only now has something actually come up?

What kind of notice is reasonable? We don't want to be bastards about it, but if we leave it open ended, the motivation for him to find a place will be non-existent, so what to do?

I know we're likely burning any bridge we had with this guy, but i didn't know him before I moved in, and Ms A is in a similar boat (he was a uni acquiantence, thats about it)

I'm not the greatest with confrontation like this, so I'm quite concerned about having this conversation, but both Ms A & I agree it has to happen, we're just not happy with the current living arrangements. I'm just trying to track down any advice on how to tackle it, because I've never had to do something like this before.
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