Originally Posted by dc_dux
Seaver and pan....so why isnt Obama's response again yesterday enough:
What more do you think he should do to appease those who are disinclined to vote for him anyway?
Seaver...you would rather vote for a hypocrite like McCain who eight years ago called guys like Robertson and Hagee "agents of hate" but now seek their endiorsement?
And I am not surprised you dont want to discuss the double standards.
Because for 20+ years he knew how hateful and racist this man is. He knew this man traveled to Libya with Farrakhan. He knew the radical hatespeak this man gave.... and yet he sought this man out. Got married in this man's garden, went to this man's house at least once a week for 20 years, had this man as Godfather of his kids and ONLY when it has begun to affect his campaign has he done anything about it.
If for 20 years I had as my guru and godfather of my children the Rev. Falwell/Robertson/Hagee, or George W or Cheney and I then distanced myself from them only at a time when I was running for office and the relationship was starting to bog me down...... I would be considered a hypocrite. You would come after me worse for dumping them at the last minute.
If Obama is soooooo shocked and morally hurt by what Wright has said, then why has it taken this to become an issue hurting his campaign for him to distance himself from Wright?
It's bullshit.
What's even worse is attacking people who this is an issue to.
Just as those that questioned my patriotism for my speaking out against Bush... I say to you your blind loyalty and attacks on my beliefs and how I feel about this issue are wrong and more apt to inspire me to rail against the man than to support him.