Originally Posted by sloppyjaloppy
Is it appropriate for me to engage with them on these ideas, and help them to (hopefully) form opinions that are beneficial to their development, or should I butt out and let them figure it out eventually themselves the way I have?
First of all, kudos for being a big brother that cares.
I would say that opening dialogue with them about these issues and stating your opinions and why you feel the way you do would be great. It would hopefully open up discussion as to how they feel and some great bonding and understanding could definitely occur, whether they agree with you or not. Although the youngest is 12, he's probably already formed some opinions of his own. Don't forget to encourage their independent thinking.
If the answer is yes, can anyone suggest appropriate methods to broach the topics with them in a non-threatening way?
IMO, start slow. Don't give them too much at once; they'll bore quidkly and be curious about your agenda.
Suggestion: Talk about a subject that's easier to begin with for both you and them. Once you've begun to share opinions, each ensuing conversation should become easier and more natural.
DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind, please, I'm a mom and I have all girls.