Originally Posted by ChassisWelder
To go with your original post Herk, should it REALLY be up to children to make their own decisions regarding their health?
If a child has bronchitis and needs an antibiotic, should they be allowed to just wait it out because their medicine tastes "yucky?" How about immunizations?
What I'm suggesting is that while yes, they should be allowed to make their own adult decisions, YOUR actions may be directly responsible for what is made out of their adulthood. If their behavior becomes so disruptive that they are kicked out of school, turn to other activities such as drugs/crime out of boredom, was it really that good of an idea to let them go without medication?
It's not as though a child can't be taken off the drugs eventually. Perhaps he/she will appreciate the praise they receive when their behavior is controlled, they start doing well in school, and stop acting out to where they are GLAD they were placed on the medication. You can't really allow them to make an apples to apples comparison without that second set of apples.
Amen. Parents. Parents.
Parents. Uh... what's that word, again?