For me, it's very situational - but in all cases, a spontaneous facial is something I can deal with...a controlled facial does nothing for me. To explain:
If she's giving me head, and as I start to lose my stuffing she pulls back and it gets on her face, neck, whatever - no problem. I'm happy I've done my magic, and the goods land where it does. However, if I'm having sex, my penis is presumably in a much better location than my hand, or her hand. As I understand the facial experience, it's usually some sort of controlled transition from having sex or a good old blowjob, to some sort of slight period of masturbation before deposited semen on her face. Why in the hell would I want to stop fucking her, so that I can start jacking off on her face? Hell no! I'll take another minute of actual fucking - you know, the stuff I can't do alone - over jacking off on someone's face. To me, that's like cooking a gourmet meal in my nice warm cozy house, and then stepping outside to eat it on a cold dirty porch. I just don't understand the allure of it - to me its superfluous at best, and ultimately inefficient. I don't mind a little deposit on ass, back or stomach/chest - but that's usually a question of pulling out and letting it go where it goes.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style