Fight it in court.
I got ticket today, not the first time it has ever happened, but probably the first time it's happened that I didn't deserve it. I was driving along minding my own business when this girl comes up on me fast. I let her pass and then get back in the left lane. About this time I notice a cop making a u-turn in the middle of the road. I get back in the right lane because I know who he's going after and I don't want there to be any confusion. He puts his lights on, races past me and pulls the girl over in the middle of the road. Then he proceeds to quickly jump off his motorcycle, stop traffic and point to me telling me to pull over as well. I do as he says and tell him that I wasn't going anywhere close to as fast as she was, at least 5 or 10 mph less. He tells me that he saw me following her, clocked us at 63 (in a 45) and proceeds to write me a ticket. He hands me the ticket, tells me he clocked me at 63 but he wrote the ticket for 57 because that's how fast I told him I was going. I reiterate that I never told him exactly what speed I was going and he tells me that if I don't lose my attitude then they won't reduce it in court.
I've never fought a speeding ticket in court before, though I have paid more than my fair share, but it seems to me that it would be a miscarriage of justice for me to simply roll over, plead guilty and pay a reduced fine. It seems to me that the only thing I did was drive in the wrong lane at the wrong time. I've made up my mind that I will fight this ticket on principle and the best possible outcome I can imagine is that I am found not guilty and he receives some kind of official reprimand.
Of course, no matter how it turns out, I still lose. I miss work, drive all over the place and sit in court all day just because some asshole doesn't know how to do his fucking job.
life is a sexually transmitted disease