Originally Posted by guccilvr
If it's all about the music, then I don't need all those fancy bells and whistles that come with the software packages. I want the pure, unfucked with track. Cut it up and slap me in the face with it.. don't fuck it up with stupid shit.
And yeah, if you are using a laptop.. use an uncompressed format.. anyone that is into music ought to know how shitty mp3's and other lossy formats are.
If it's truly All About The Music (TM), then it doesn't really matter what format you're using, so long as it is the highest fidelity you can achieve, and isn't train wrecked. I would even go so far as to say that it doesn't need to be beat matched, so long as it flows well. If this is what ruled the scene, then we'd see a lot more Goa Gil's out there playing 24/96 DATs. Oh man that was a good fucking party.
But lots of people like showmanship. People like a DJ that jumps around and twiddles knobs not attached to anything. They want to believe they are connected to the music in a greater way at a party then when they're playing the same tracks at home.
None of this is to be confused with turntablism, which is, at it's best, music production.
Of course, some of the best turntablists are using vinyl emulating CDJs (like the Pioneer 1000's) and Serato now.
/end ramble
I like my roommates toy.
He will be using it at this party in Portland, Oregon, this Saturday:
It'll be great fun.
I'll probably use it as soon as I get a hard drive big enough to save all my music at full quality.