Okay... I'm not really sure how to put this...
I seem to be the guy that drops everything to help out a friend. I'll be the first one to show up at a party and I always bring a gift. I make sure to always call people back or return emails. If I'm invited to something and I can't attend I let the person know instead of just not showing up.
And I've found that I'm the only one I know like this.
So, I'm having a party at my house on Saturday to celebrate the positive changes in my life. Just a few friends drinking cocktails, listening to good music and talking. Nothing fancy. I've been in my house for almost two years and have yet to have anyone over.
I invited all the people I wanted to come using MySpace. So after three days... No one has responded. And I'm talking almost 50 people. And it's not like that haven't seen the invitation. They just aren't responding. And I'm a little hurt. I see that these people are online, I see that they've read the invitation... And nothing.
If a friend is DJing some club, I show up. If a friend is having a party, I show up. And like I said, if I can't, I at least give notice.
So, what do I do? Keep reminding these people? Ask why they haven't responded? Just ignore them and find new friends?
heavy is the head that wears the crown