Originally Posted by *Nikki*
Sounds like someone might have fucked her over real good in the past and left some scars.
Either that or she has her own set of issues she never dealt with. Until she does deal with them she can never make herself or anyone else happy.
It is unfortunate but you have to cut her out of your life until she does.
Two things. First, unless I missed it, there was no mention of "love" in the original post. Is the man in question worried about the lady in question for her own good or because he loves her or...? Does he want to maintain the relationship with her. I understand that planned on moving to her, but is he doing it because he loves her or what? Second, calling her nuts, crazy, off her rocker and so on doesn't really help the guy. I agree with the point that she is probably seriously scarred from something previous. And is it possible that her issues come pre-adult relationships? If he wants to stay with her because he loves her, then he needs to truly help her address her issues. Why is she so angry, so paranoid, so anti-social and so on? Why is she so lacking in self-esteem? It appears that she has a lot of issues to work through. One last point, SHE has to work through the issues. He can help her along the way, but ultimately she is responsible for her own mental health and happiness.