We tip at least 20%. If it's just me, I'd have to spend $20-25 on food/drinks for one person in order for 20-25% to equal at least a $5 tip for my server. I figure I take up the same time and table space even when I am alone, and decided to always tip a $5 minimum, no matter what I spend.
I also tip the guys who fill my gas tank, giving them a bag of M&M's. If another car pulls into the gas station by my house at the same time that I do, my car gets filled first (I withheld M&M's once when they made me wait). The other day when we paid for our gas, I dropped a bag of M&M's on the counter. My husband explained to the cashier, "my wife says she always buys candy for the guys who fill her tank." The guy smiled, nodded, and said, "yea...we know."
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe