Forty years ago in 1967 I was suffering in my third year of severe acne. After treatments with Tetracyclin and topical medications failed, I found a dermatologist who cleared my acne in less than eight weeks with a short series of bacteria vaccine injections. My acne was cured forever.
The same doctor treated two of my friends with this same vaccine and with the same permanent results. One friend had severe acne and boils, that covered his arms, legs and back as well.
None of us ever had another breakout after less than two months of treatment. No side effects.
I never knew what the vaccine was, but no dermatologist today has any idea what it was either. It was not a steroid or vitamin A.
I did find that doctors were successfully treating acne with a vaccine as early as 1912.
There are bacterial vaccines today that I believe will have the same positive results if only someone will try them.
If you are suffering from acne, ask your doctor to treat you with a bacteria vaccine. Please post your results.