Wait, what?
She called, was drunk, was talking the way people talk when they're drunk. You got irritated and snapped at her. She got drunkenly pissed off about you snapping at her.... And in the morning you were broken up? And that was HER fault? According to your story you're at least 25 years old. Doesn't this strike you as just a BIT "junior high"?
You need to decide if you're going to behave maturely enough to have a girlfriend. If you decide you are, then you need to forgive her--and I MEAN forgive her. Real forgiveness in this case means giving up the right to EVER hold this against her EVER in the future, and not needing her to do ANYTHING as a condition of your forgiveness. If you're not willing or ready to do that, then you're not ready to be in a relationship and you should just let her know that so she can quit trying to make it work with you.