Originally Posted by loganmule
My wife is a fish person, and here's what she has to say on this:
First of all it's so man...he did't want anyone to think I was him so he gave me an introduction.
I dont raise goldfish, but I have had small tanks. They are so much more work. Before you introduce your fancy goldfish, add bacteria to the tank and let it circulate for two weeks. The kids will torture you to death, but Goldfish put out a LOT of waste, ie:amonia which is toxic to fish. Setting up a good bacterial count will help break down the amonia. You will have to do frequent water changes at first. Even though goldfish are relatively inexpensive, get some water test strips. They include instruction which help you understand water chemistry. I couldn't wait to get those fish in there when I started a community tank and was devastated when they died. If you add a second fish you'll have to do more frequent water changes. At least wait several months before adding another until your water is stable. I am assuming you are using filtration?
Thanks for the advice!
We're using an outside tank powered filter, and I've already introduced the bacteria to the tank. However, from what I know, a fishless tank won't actually build much of a bacteria count. They have nothing to live on, after all. I know goldfish are messy, and I have already gone over how we have to do 15% water changes once a week until the water stabilizes. I do have test strips as well, and dechlorinator was used on the tank, and I have some set aside for water replacements.
It's so weird. I know a ton about how to set up tanks from helping my friend with his angelfish, and not a damn thing about the fish that go in them.
After talking to the girls about this, they're now contemplating getting a heater and going with some small tropicals to start with. They haven't made up their minds yet. If I do get them to go this route, and suggestions? I've heard livebreeders are hardy, but don't especially want 12 billion guppies in my tank.